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The Office Pool: Betting on Your Company’s Biggest Risks (Who Will Go Under First?)

Welcome to the dark underbelly of corporate culture, where spreadsheets replace poker chips and quarterly earnings become the roulette wheel. Brace yourselves, colleagues, for we’re embarking on a forbidden thrill ride: the office pool. Not for sports scores or celebrity gossip, mind you, but for something far more thrilling – predicting the demise of our fellow companies!

Remember, this is strictly hypothetical, of course. No inside information, no malicious intent, just a healthy dose of gallows humor and keen market savvy. Let’s take a peek at some potential candidates for the “Going Under First” championship:

The Case of the Bleeding Startup: Flush with VC cash and boundless optimism, this unicorn gallops towards a brick wall of unsustainable burn rate. Every missed metric is another nail in the coffin, and the office whispers are all abuzz with talk of layoffs and pivots. Will they find a magic potion or crash and burn in a glorious supernova of disruption? Place your bets, folks!

The Corporate Dinosaur: Lumbering giant, slow and bloated, they cling to outdated business models like a T-Rex with a rotary phone. The whispers aren’t of layoffs, but of mergers, hostile takeovers, and the slow, sad dismantling of an empire. Will they adapt and evolve, or become a fossil in the tech landscape? You decide!

The Innovation Black Hole: They throw money at every shiny new idea, a tech magpie with ADD. Drones delivering burritos! Blockchain-powered toilet seats! Each “disruptive” venture fizzles faster than a wet firecracker, leaving a trail of bewildered investors and disillusioned employees. Will they find their niche or implode under the weight of their own ambition? The odds are stacked!

But wait, there’s more! This isn’t just a spectator sport. Here’s how you can get in on the action:

  • Craft your own criteria: Revenue decline? Stock price volatility? Employee morale plummet? Choose your poison!
  • Get creative with the betting pool: Candy bars, vacation days, bragging rights – the stakes are as high as your imagination.
  • Spice things up with bonus categories: “Most Dramatic Layoff Announcement,” “Best Excuse for Missed Earnings Targets,” or “Most Likely Pivot to Selling NFTs.”

Disclaimer: Remember, colleagues, this is all in good fun. No Schadenfreude, no office politics, just a bit of morbid amusement to break the monotony of TPS reports and endless meetings. After all, what’s a corporate drone to do when faced with the existential dread of an uncertain future? Embrace the absurdity, place your bets, and may the most prescient (or luckiest) among us win!

Please note: This blog post is purely for entertainment purposes and does not constitute financial advice. Always do your own research before making any investment decisions.

Now, get out there and start strategizing! Who will be the first domino to fall? Let the office pool commence!


  1. Is this actually serious?
  2. Isn’t this insensitive to companies struggling financially?
  3. What if someone takes this too seriously and uses it for insider trading?
  4. How do we set up the office pool?
  5. Can we use real money?

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