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Computer security, cybersecurity or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Navigating the Changing Landscape of Information Security Leadership: Best Practices

Date: August 24, 2023 Time: 4:00 PM CEST | 7:30 PM IST | 8:00 AM MDT | 3:00 PM BST | 10:00 AM EDT Topic: Navigating the Changing Landscape of Information Security Leadership: Best Practices Register Abstract: The ever-evolving landscape of information security leadership has become increasingly complex, with emerging technologies, regulatory requirements, and threat…

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Basics of Bash Scripting on Kali Linux

When we are talking about Linux and Terminal, we can’t left Bash scripting. Bash scripting will be very helpful to become a cybersecurity expert, we can automate payloads and other tasks. On our this article we are gonna talk about ‘Bash Scripting‘ and how to write accurate scripts on Linux.

Bash Scripting on Kali Linux

The GNU Bourne-Again Shell (Bash) is a powerful tool and scripting engine. We can do automate many tasks on command-line. In our this guide we are learning Bash scripting and know some practical use case. Here we assume that we know about the Linux files, which discussed on previous article.

Introduction to Bash Scripting

A Bash script is a plain-text file that contains a series of commands that are executed as if they had been typed on terminal window. In general, Bash scripts have an optional extension of .sh for identification (but it can be run without extension name), begin wit #!/bin/bash and must have executable permission set before the script can be executed. Let’s write a simple “Hello World” Bash script on a new file using any text editor, named it and write the following contains inside it:


# Hello World on Bash Script.

echo “Hello World!”

Then save and close it. In the above script we used some components which we need to explain:

  • Line 1: #! is known as shebang, and it is ignored by the Bash interpreter. The second part, /bin/bash, is absolute path to the interpreter, which is used to run the script. For this we can identify that, this a “Bash script”. There are various types of shell scripts like “zsh” and “C Shell script” etc.
  • Line 2: # is used to add a comment. Hashed (#) tests will be ignored by interpreter. This comments will help us to take special notes for the scripts.
  • Line 3: echo “Hello World!” uses the echo Linux command utility to print a given string to the terminal, which in this case is “Hello World!”.

Now we need to make this script executable by running following command:

chmod +x

In the following screenshot we can see the output of the above command:

granting permission on bash script

Now we can run the script by using following command:


We can see that our script shows output of “Hello World!” on our terminal as we can see in the following screenshot:

hello world output on bash

The chmod command, with +x flag is used to make the bash script executable and bash along with we can run it. We can ./ to run the script. This was our first Bash script. Let’s explore Bash in a bit more detail.


Variables are used for temporarily store data. We c an declare a variable to assign a value inside it, or read a variable, which will “”expand” or “resolve” it to its store value.

We can declare variable values in various ways. The easiest method is to set the value directly with a simple name=value declaration. We should remember that there are no spaces between or after the “=” sign.

On our terminal we can run following command:


Then we again run another command:


Variable declaring is pointless unless we can use/reference it. To do this, we precede the variable with $ character. Whenever Bash see this ($) syntax in a command, it replaces the variable name with it’s value before executing the command. For an example we can echo both this variable by using following command:

echo $name $surname

In the following screenshot we can the output shows the values of the variables:

using varriables in bash

Variables names might be uppercase, lowercase or a mixture of both. Bash is case sensitive, so we must be consistent when declaring and expending variables. The good practice to use descriptive variable names, which make our script much easier for others to understand and maintain.

Bash interprets certain characters in specific ways. For example, the following declaration demonstrates an improper multi-value variable declaration:

hello=Hello World

In the following screenshot, we can see the output.

not an example of variable

This was not necessarily what we expected. To fix this type of error we can use single quote (‘) or double quote (“) to enclose our text. Here we need to know that Bash treats single quotes and double quotes differently. When Bash meets the single quotes, Bash interprets every enclosed character literally. When enclosed in double quotes, all characters are viewed literally expect “$” and “” meaning variables will be expended in an initial substitution pass on the enclosed text.

In the case of above scenario we the following will help to clarify:

hello='Hello World'

Now we can print this variable using echo, shown in following screenshot:

right use of variables

In the above example, we had used the single quote (‘) to use the variable. But when we use the hello variable with something other then we need to use double quote (“), we can see following for better understanding:

hello2="Hi, $hello"

Now we can see the print (echo) of new $hello2 variable on the following screenshot:

varibales using double quote

We can also set the value of the variable to the result of a command or script. This is also known as command substitution, which allows us to take the output of  a command (what would normally be printed to the screen) and have it saved as the value of a variable.

To do this, place the variable name in parentheses “()“, preceded by a “$” character:

echo $user

Here we assigned the output of the whoami command the user variable. We then displayed it’s value by echo. In the following screenshot we can see the output of the above command:

take a variable as another variable in bash

An alternative syntax for command substitution using backtick (`), as we can see in the following commands:

echo $user2

This backtick method is older and typically discouraged as there are differences in how the two methods of command substitution behave. It is also important to note that command substitution happens in a subshell and changes to variables in the subshell will not alter variables from the master process.


Not all Bash scripts require arguments. However, it is extremely important to understand how they are interpreted by bash and how to use them. We have already executed Linux commands with arguments. For example, when we run command ls -l /var/log, both -l and /var/log are arguments to the ls command.

Bash scripts are not different, we can supply command-line arguments and use them in our scripts. For an example we can see following screenshot:

supplying arguments to bash script

In the above screenshot, we have created a simple Bash script, set executable permissions on it, and then ran it with two arguments. The $1 and $2 variables represents the first and second arguments passed to the script. Let’s explore a few special Bash variables:

Variable Name Description
$0 The name of the Bash script
$1 – $9 The first 9 arguments to the Bash script
$# Number of arguments passed to the Bash script
$@ All arguments passed to the Bash script
$? The exit status of the most recently run process
$$ The process id of the current script
$USER The username of the user running the script
$HOSTNME The hostname of the machine
$RANDOM A random number
$LINENO The current line number in the script

Some of these special variable can be useful when debugging a script. For example, we might be able to obtain the exit status of a command to determine whether it was successfully executed or not.

Reading User Input

Command-line arguments are a form of user input, but we can also capture interactive user input during a script is running with the read command. We are going to use read to capture user input and assign it to a variable, as we did in the following screenshot:

read user input on Bash Script

We can alter the behavior of the read command with various command line options. Two of the most commonly flags include -p, which allows us to specify a prompt, and -s, which makes the user input silent/invisible (might be helpful for credentials). We can see an example in the following screenshot:

read user input silently on bash

If, Else, Elif

If, Else, Elif are considered as most common conditional statements, which allow us to show different actions based on different conditions.

The if statement is quite simple. This checks to see if a condition is true, but it requires a very specific syntax. We need to be careful to attention to this syntax, especially the use of required spaces.

if statement on bash

In the above screenshot if “some statement” is true the script will “do some action“, these action can be any command between then and fi. Lets look at an actual example.

if statement showing example

On the above example, we used an if statement to check the age inputted by a user. If the user’s age was less than (-lt) 12, the script would output a warning message.

Here the square brackets ([ &]) in the if statement above are originally reference to the test command. This simply means we can use all of the operators that are allowed by the test command. Some of the widely used operators include:

  • -n VAR – True if the length of VAR is greater than zero.
  • -z VAR – True if the VAR is empty.
  • STRING1 = STRING2 – True if STRING1 and STRING2 are equal.
  • STRING1 != STRING2 – True if STRING1 and STRING2 are not equal.
  • INTEGER1 -eq INTEGER2 – True if INTEGER1 and INTEGER2 are equal.
  • INTEGER1 -gt INTEGER2 – True if INTEGER1 is greater than INTEGER2.
  • INTEGER1 -lt INTEGER2 – True if INTEGER1 is less than INTEGER2.
  • INTEGER1 -ge INTEGER2 – True if INTEGER1 is equal or greater than INTEGER2.
  • INTEGER1 -le INTEGER2 – True if INTEGER1 is equal or less than INTEGER2.
  • -h FILE – True if the FILE exists and is a symbolic link.
  • -r FILE – True if the FILE exists and is readable.
  • -w FILE – True if the FILE exists and is writable.
  • -x FILE – True if the FILE exists and is executable.
  • -d FILE – True if the FILE exists and is a directory.
  • -e FILE – True if the FILE exists and is a file, regardless of type (node, directory, socket, etc.).
  • -f FILE – True if the FILE exists and is a regular file (not a directory or device).

We had applied these things to the above if statement example and we remove the square brackets using test string. But we think that the square bracket makes the code more readable.

We also can perform a particular set of actions if a statement is true and other statement is false. To do this, we can use the else statement, which has the following syntax:

else statement in bash

Now for an example we expand our previous age example including our else statement, as shown in the following screenshot:

using of else statement in bash example

We can easily notice that the else statement was executed when the inputted age was not less than 12.

We can add more arguments to the statements with the help of elif statement. The example will be following:

elif statement on bash

Let’s extend our age example with elif statement in the following screenshot:

using of elif statement on bash

On the above example we can see that the code is little bit complex compared to if and else. Here when the user inputs the age grater than 60 elif statement will be executed and output the “Salute …” message.

These are the basic uses of bash. Here we learn some simple bash scripts. There are lots of more topic to cover but we don’t want to make the article longer. If you want next part please Tweet us.

In today’s article we learned Basics of Bash scripting on our Kali Linux. Not only Kali Linux this tutorial will work on any Debian based Linux distro like Ubuntu, Linux Mint etc.

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How i Passed CEHv12 in first attempt 2023 : Preparation Guide

August 28, 2023 My Journey to Becoming a Certified Ethical Hacker Continue reading on Medium » Article posted by:——cehv12-5 ——————————————————————————————————————– Infocerts, 5B 306 Riverside Greens, Panvel, Raigad 410206 Maharashtra, India Contact us –

Cybersecurity for Mobile Devices

Introduction: In this era of digital connectivity, Mobile Device Security have become an integral part of our lives. From communication and productivity to entertainment and financial transactions, smartphones and tablets offer unparalleled convenience. However, this convenience comes with a caveat – the increased vulnerability to Cyber Threats. With the rising number of mobile users and …

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10 Essential Cybersecurity Practices for Small Businesses: Protecting Your Digital Assets

Introduction: In today’s increasingly digital world, small businesses are at risk of becoming prime targets for Cyberattacks. The consequences of such attacks can be devastating, ranging from financial losses to reputational damage. Therefore, it is crucial for small business owners to prioritize cybersecurity to safeguard their digital assets. Here are ten essential cybersecurity practices for …

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Install VirtualBox in Kali Linux

Usually we use Virtual Machines on Windows and use Kali Linux there. But there are lots of Kali fans using Kali Linux directly (as a primary OS) on their PC. Here we sometime need to install virtual machine of other OS or vulnerable virtual machine.

Install VirtualBox in Kali Linux

We have already discussed a way where we had used KVM (Kernel Virtual Manager) in our Metasploitable2 and Windows installation in Linux. Al tough KVM has lots of functions but majority of people will chose VirtualBox because they are used to with VirtualBox.

Oracle VM VirtualBox is a free and open-source hosted hypervisor for x86 virtualization in this tutorial we describe how easily we can install VirtualBox in our Kali Linux system and use it.

First of all we need to go to the Linux download section of VirtualBox by clicking on this link. A new window will open like following screenshot:

VirtualBox download

In the above screenshot we can see that VirtualBox is not directly available for Kali. But the Ubuntu’s VirtualBox will work in Kali Linux and almost other Debian based distributions.

Now we download the VirtualBox for latest Ubuntu version. It is a .deb file with almost 85 MB of size.

After download the deb installer file on the Downloads folder we open the the terminal there and to install it we apply following command:

sudo dpkg -i virtualbox*.deb

Then it will start installing VirtualBox on our Kali Linux system.

VirtualBox started installing

After a little bit of time (depending on our computer’s performance) it will complete.

Now we can search the VirtualBox on the Application menu.

Searching for VirtualBox in Application menu

Now we click on this to open it. It will open in the following screenshot:

VirtualBox Installed in Kali Linux

Now we can use it to configure any other OS under Kali Linux. This is how we can install VirtualBox in our Kali Linux machine and the installation process of other OS in it will be the same as we do it on Windows.

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Decoding DevSecOps and DevOps Engineer Courses 

The DevOps software development methodology seeks to break down the barriers between an organization’s development and operations teams, improving collaboration, speed, and efficiency. DevOps has become a best practice for many businesses. In a survey by Redgate Software, 74 percent of companies say they have now adopted DevOps practices in some form (Redgate, 2021). DevSecOps is a variant of DevOps that adds security into the mix, making IT security an essential concern throughout the development process.

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