DNSX — Run Multiple DNS Queries

DNSX — Run Multiple DNS Queries

April 28, 2022

During penetration testing of a website or web application we must need to gather information as much as we can about our target. Gathering DNS information is also must be do for a security expert.

dnsx on Kali Linux

In today’s article we are going to cover dnsX, it’s a tool created by projectdiscovery. It is a fast and multi-purpose DNS toolkit allow to run multiple DNS queries of our choice with a list of user-supplied resolvers. It also supports DNS wildcard filtering like shuffledns. We will learn about installing dnsX on our Kali Linux system and use it.

Key Features of dnsX

  • Simple and Handy utility to query DNS records.
  • A, AAAA, CNAME, PTR, NS, MX, TXT, SOA query support.
  • DNS Resolution / Brute-force support.
  • Custom resolver input support.
  • Multiple resolver format (TCP/UDP/DOH/DOT) support.
  • stdin and stdout support.
  • Automatic wildcard handling support.

Installing dnsX on Kali Linux

After 2022.1 update of Kali Linux dnsX is added to Kali Linux repository, so the  installation will be hassle-free, we just need to run the following one liner command on our terminal:

sudo apt install dnsx -y

In the following screenshot we can see the output of the above command:

dnsx installing on kali linux

Done! dnsX is successfully installed on our Kali Linux system.

Using dnsX on Kali Linux

Let’s start with the help section of dnsX tool. To check the options we run the following command:

dnsx -h

In the following screenshot we can see the help options of dnsX tool:

dnsx help options on kali linux

Now let’s start using it with an example, here we have a list of subdomains we can run the following command to check for active subdomains:

dnsx -l path/to/subdomains.txt
dnsx on Kali Linux

let’s suppose we found some subdomains using Subfinder, now we can easily check for active subdomains from the list of passive subdomains we got from various sources. Following command will be an example:

subfinder -silent -d hackthissite.org | dnsx -silent

In the above command we used -silent flag to keep our terminal clean. The command will take some time to collect all the data. We can see the output of the above command in the following screenshot:

dnsx with subfinder

Also dnsX can be used to print A records, for an example:

subfinder -silent -d hackthissite.org | dnsx -silent -a -cname -resp

In the following screenshot we can see the A records with the subdomains:

dnsx printing a records

Also it can extract only the A records. To do so we run the following command:

subfinder -silent -d hackthissite.org | dnsx -silent -a -resp-only

Now it will extract A records only, as we can see in the following screenshot:

dnsx a records only

dnsX can be used to extract CNAME records, for an example:

subfinder -silent -d hackthissite.org | dnsx -silent -cname -resp

We can see the output in the following screenshot:

cnames found by dnsx

We can see the dns status codes by using dnsX tool, as we did in the following command:

subfinder -silent -d hackthissite.org | dnsx -silent -rcode noerror,servfail,refused

Following screenshots shows the output of the applied command:

dnsx dns status codes

This dnsX tool also can perform bruteforce subdomains for given domain or list of domains using -d and -w flag, for example we can check this.

Extra Talks

  1. By default, dnsx checks for A record.
  2. By default, dnsx uses Google, Cloudflare, Quad9 resolver.
  3. Custom resolver list can be used using -r flag.
  4. Domain name (-wd) input is mandatory for wildcard elimination.
  5. DNS record flag can not be used when using wildcard filtering.
  6. DNS resolution (-l) and DNS Bruteforcing (-w) can’t be used together.

This is how we can use dnsX tool on Kali Linux, and collect DNS information for security testing.

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Article posted by: https://www.kalilinux.in/2022/04/dnsx-run-multiple-dns-queries.html
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