Maryam — Best Info Gathering Framework Ever?

March 16, 2023

Nowadays Kali Linux repository comes with OWASP Maryam Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework. Maryam Framework will be very helpful for penetration testers and cybersecurity experts. This is based on

What is Maryam

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) uses open source tools to collect information and analyze them for a specific purpose. OSINT can be very helpful for cybersecurity experts to use to garner data about particular organizations.

Today, using Open sources like Bing, Google, Yahoo, etc, for data gathering, are essential steps for reconnaissance, which is a common task. It should be a tool to automate this routine. One of the best tools in this field is ​The OWASP Maryam. The interface of Maryam is is very similar to

After the installation process is done, we can check the the tool is running by following command:


We can see the output of the above command in the following screenshot:

Here we need to run help command to see the the help options of Maryam Framework as we can see in the following screenshot:

It’s interface is seems very similar to Metasploit. Here we can run following command to see the modules:

show modules

Grabbing Social Media using Maryam

Let’s run this tool. For an example we are running social_nets OSINT module. Before running it we can check it’s help by just entering the module name or <module-name> –help, as we can see the help of social_nets in the following screenshot:

Let’s run this module by following command:

social_nets -q hax4us -e google,yahoo,bing

By using the above command we are trying to discover social media accounts of hax4us (my friend’s brand) on the search results of Google, Yahoo and Bing. We can use more supported search engines here (like Yandex etc).

Now multiple use of this function may be detected by search engines and they will detect the bot and it gives following CAPTCHA errors.

Google got the bot

Finding Document Files

We can easily find Document files like PDF files, text files etc by using Maryam Open-Source Intelligence Framework, we are going use docs_search module for this, and the command will be like following:

docs_search -q amazon -f pdf -e google,bing,metacrawler

For searching document we had used docs_search module in the above command, and -q flag to set our query, -f flag used to specify file format and -e to specify engines (search engines) to find these files.

And in the following screenshot we can see that we got links of PDF files related to Amazon.

DNS Brute Force using Maryam

Let’s have a look how can we Brute Force DNS records using Maryam’s dnsbrute module. To do so we are going to use following command:

dnsbrute -d --thread 10 --wordlist /path/of/wordlist

Crawling Pages using Maryam

Now we are going to use the crawl_pages module to crawl an website (Regex search) for juicy information. To do so we are going to use following command:

crawl_pages -d -r https?://[A-z0-9./]+

In the following screenshot we can see the output. It scans the website for duplicate information.

Final Words

This is how we can install and use Maryam on our Kali Linux system, we learned basic things we can do with OWASP Maryam OSINT Framework. OWASP Maryam is a modular open-source framework based on OSINT and data gathering. It is designed to provide a robust environment to harvest data from open sources and search engines quickly and thoroughly.

It has a lots of advanced features like we can set proxy, agents and timeout. For more information we can check the official page.

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