ATT&CK v15 Brings the Action

April 23, 2024

ATT&CK v15 Brings the Action: Upgraded Detections, New Analytic Format, & Cross-Domain Adversary Insights

v15 is all about actionability and bringing defenders’ reality into focus — we prioritized what you need to detect, and how you can do it more effectively with detection engineering upgrades, and deeper intelligence insights across platforms. This release also reflects the new expansion rhythm, balancing both well-known and emerging behaviors to reflect how trends and activity are experienced in the field.

For the details on our updates/additions across Techniques, Software, Groups and Campaigns take a look at our . Curious about how a contribution becomes a technique? Check out our video that walks you through the process.

If you’re interested in contributing to ATT&CK’s overall autonomy, flexibility, and free services, you can find more details on our Benefactor page. We are deeply grateful to our initial cohort of benefactors, SOC Prime, Tidal Cyber, and Zimperium, for their generous support.

©2024 The MITRE Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Approved for public release. Distribution unlimited 24–00779–3.

ATT&CK v15 Brings the Action was originally published in MITRE ATT&CK® on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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